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API RP 554, Part 3-2021【中文版翻译+PDF原版】
Process Control Systems - Project Execution and Process Control System Ownership, Second Edition
STANDARD by American Petroleum Institute, 01/01/2021.
LANGUAGES: English+Chinese【英文原文+中文翻译】
HISTORICAL EDITIONS: API RP 554 Part 3 (R2016) (2008), API RP 554 (1995)
This recommended practice (RP) addresses the processes required to successfully implement process control systems for oil and gas production, refinery, and petrochemical services. The major topics addressed are:
展开剩余50%Part 1. The basic functions that a PCS may need to perform, and recommended methodologies for determining the functional and integration requirements for a particular application.
Part 2. The practices to select and design the installation for hardware and software required to meet the functional and integration requirements.
Part 3. The project organization, skills, and management required to first execute a process control project and then to own and operate a PCS.
This document is not intended to present a tutorial on the subjects discussed股票投资到底哪家好, but rather to aid the reader in identifying and understanding the basic concepts of PCSs.
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